Celebrities such as Albert Einstein, Sir Winston Churchill, Tom Cruise, Walt Disney, and Lee Kuan Yeuw is dyslexic?
They are the people who have difficulty processing words.
Dyslexia comes from Greek words "dys" meaning difficulty and "lexsia" meaning of words. In other words, dyslexia means difficulty in processing the words.
Dyslexia is a disorder with basic neurobiological disorder and is characterized by difficulty in recognizing words with precise or accurate in spelling and the ability mengode symbol.
There are two kinds of dyslexia, namely developmental dyslexia and acquired dyslexia.

Developmental Dyslexia is congenital and due to genetic or hereditary factors. Persons with this disorder dyslexia will take a lifetime or can not be cured.
Not only have trouble reading, they also have problems spelling, writing, and several other aspects of language. However, children with dyslexia have normal intelligence level or even above average. (Amazing is not it?)
Did you know about this cartoon ? Yeah , in this cartoon . This people can't speak 

Some experts also defines dyslexia as a condition input processing or different information (from normal children) which are often characterized by difficulty in reading that can affect areas of cognition, like memory, processing speed input, time management skills, aspects of coordination, and control the motion. May also occur the visual and phonological difficulties, and usually there is a difference in the ability of various aspects of development.

Persons with dyslexia usually experience problems, such as:
1. Phonological problems: phonological problems is defined as a systematic relationship between letters and sounds.
2. Problems remembering words.
3. Preparation of a systematic problem or sequential.
4. Short-term memory problems.
5. Problems understanding the syntax.