Health seminar really made me interested in a broad knowledge of climate change that causes the disease. Too cold a long time, especially in windy and rainy weather, can cause disturbed body heating mechanism causing chronic disease.
Hypothermia is a condition where the body was very cold. Following hot on the surface of the body is lost there will be a cooling in tissues and organs in the body.

Hypothermia can also be defined as part of the body temperature below 35 ° C. Hypothermia is a medical condition where the body loses heat so rapidly that the temperature causes the body temperature dropped dramatically and can be dangerous. A person can be said to be experiencing hypothermia when their body temperature is below 35° C.

One of the early symptoms of hypothermia are shivering body, because it is one form of self-protection against cold temperatures and effort to keep the body warm. Continuous shaking is the key symptoms of hypothermia.
Other symptoms of hypothermia are shivering, decreased coordination, muttering or can not speak well, difficulty thinking, drowsiness due to extremely low energy, asphyxiate, his pulse weakened and can not lose consciousness.

People who are more at risk of hypothermia :
1. Parents aged over 65 years
2. Children
3. Consuming alcohol and drugs
4. Having problems with his mental as well as people with certain diseases (stroke, hypothyroidism, malnutrition, Parkinson's disease and block blood flow).

If anyone is experiencing hypothermia immediately give help warm the body such as:
1. Gives dry clothes
2. Holding hands
3. Moving to a better place and warmer
4. Try it contacts the skin because it will be more effective
5. Providing a warm drink that does not contain alcohol and caffeine
6. Avoid doing a lot of movement