Yellow Kid
Holiday at home by reading comics . It occurred where the original comic .
Comics is defined as a series of successive images . 
As people in ancient times often make writing and images on cave walls .
In southern France, the archaeologists discovered the pictures in color on the walls of Lascaux Cave since 17.000 years ago .
Ever see the painting on cave walls ? Pictures of animals such as bison and buffalo is a medium of communication for people who lives in this period is the beginning of the most ancient comic .
While the paintings on the wall of the pyramids in Egypt are made in the year 1300 BC .
Pictures are attached to the tombs of the kings of Egypt are a proof that this time humans already know how to communicate nonverbal  . 
Same with images of the human figure was herding horses listed on classical urns made Ergotimos and Kleitas (Greece , 579 BC) .
In 1986 , Richard Felton Outcault launched the world's first comic book titled "The Yellow Kid"
The Yellow Kid
Some of them argue that the form of hard copies should be emphasized, others are more concerned about the sustainability of image and text, and others emphasize the nature of continuity (sequential) .
Because it develops a variety of new terms such as :
1. Pictures stories - Rodolphe Topffer 
2. Illustories - Charles Bureau
3. Sequential Art (Graphic Novel) - Will Eisner
In Indonesia there is a separate designation picture story that coined by Zam Nulydyn around 1970 .

So that's the story of the comic that first time there . Do you like comics like me ? Okay... See ya .