St.Elmo Fire
Did you know about St.Elmo ?
St. Elmo Fire is an electrical weather phenomenon in which luminous plasma is created by a coronal discharge origintaing from a grounded object in an atmospheric electric field (such as those generated by thunderstroms ) . Is a rare meteorological phenomenon .
During a lightning storm , many people reported seeing balls of fire , dance on the ship , a long pole , cow horns .
Even St.Elmo can occur above the skyscraper buildings .
Small ball and this is called a fire sparkling St.Elmo .
Crack of static electricity that occurs during a lightning storm and grabbed the object is high .
This could happen before the lightning strike .
Saint's Elmo fire is described by scientists as a plasma phenomenon . St.Elmo is a fire caused by ionizating in the atmosphere .

The name is Saint Elmo's lightning , the patron saint of sailors .
Because the phenomenon initially appeared on the deck ship, especially during stroms .
The color is blue or green .
To my knowledge , in Indonesia this incident never happened here .
Alhamdulilah :)
These event rare .
Incidentally , I've seen St.Elmo occuring in the building located in New York .
Fortunately only a movie , and not reality . hehe .
See you :)