I'm so sleepy ... Every saturday night no one came to visit me (hahahahaha) . So, I'm sitting at home while writing this article .
In this article I will discuss about Luna Class .
Why did I discuss Luna? Because I like this game :)
First , I want to discuss about Fighter
Fighter has a specification in the field of physical defense . HP and HP regen is great and also a shield to protect themselves, have a good ability to survive .

Second , I want to discuss about Mage
Mage has a specification in the field of magic defense and package / skills to protect themselves and others .
Focusing in magical attacks and support .
Third , I want to discuss about Rogue
Rogue has the specification in the field of attack speed . And also using the shield .
Deal in Light physical weapons and ranged capabilities .
Hoahmz... I'm tired...
See ya...:)
Happy wekeend :)