Good Morning all :)
I want to share about Gagra (Not Garaa like anime Naruto , hehe)
Gagra , a city which located in the Black Sea Coast .
Gagra is an earthly paradise that turned into a ghost city now (Like Alburracin , Ghost City ) .
In antiquity, Gagra complete with mansion house .
This place is like a paradise with a very pleasant climate where there are the royal palace and various forms of buildings which come from all regions of Europes.

The park is filled with tropical trees to animals such as parrots and monkeys that were brought specifically to Gagra to create the impression of exotic in the area .
But Gagra shuold collapse due to the war that occured in 1992 - 1993 between Abkhazia and Georgia so that Gagra was turned into rubble and eventually become like a ghost town . Lonely and abandoned .
See ya in my next post...
Have a nice day ;)