Finally ~~
Finally, after finishing work on exam yesterday, I was allowed to return to meet with my Laptop (named : Lepi ).
I miss my friends , huhuhu .
Time to holiday now all , but I stay at home , make me bored .
Really bored .
Does anyone have any suggestions or want asked me to go ? hehehe .
And after I saw some of my friends share the award for me, now I will post the award :)
Thank you for the award given by :

1. Ladida -  Ladida Cafe
Thank you for the award that you gave to me, hehehe . Its finished Uan there La ?
"Jadilah Blogger yang Dirindukan Blogger Lain"

2. Lettha -  Lettha
Thank you for the award that you gave Sista Lettha 
Blogger Choice Award

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1. Make posts that contain images of this award on your blog.
2. Indicate who was given the award along with links blog.
3. Awarded this award to 10 friends.
Ladida Cafe
Pradisz Wardhana
Review Movie
Mr. A
Lora Malunk
4. Visit his blog
5. Do the same thing as giving awards to your

3. Lettha and koDe-Xp
Thank you for the award 

Thanks for the award :)
Now, time to study and pray ... I hope we are all good exam scores and all can be passed on May 16 later , see ya all :)