Getting closer to the 14th of February, my friends have a lot of planning will go anywhere with their loves or boy/girlfriend .
Exactly what it was Valentine's Day ?
Valentine Day's is a day where a santo valentine punished for marrying a woman and man .
He was in prison because at the time the men were forbidden to marry woman.
Because they will not be able to fight with the dashing and daring .
And to honor that service, they send a greeting card as a sign of affection .

Many versions that tell about this Valentine's Days .
Like this :
1. Death of santo valentine
2. wolf and the founder of the city of Rome
3. Gamelion month .
~ which is dedicated to the scared marriage god Zeus and Hera. In ancient Roma , February 15 is the feast of Lupercalia, a celebration of Lupercus, the god of fertility, symbolized half-naked and dressed in goat skins .

I honestly have never celebrated Valentine .
But often received gifts from some people like chocolate and flowers .
because in my opinion ,
Velentine's day rather than once a year .
But every day when we can make people comfortable around us and smiled (: