This morning I will discuss about Graphology .
Graphology is the art of reading handwritten characters .
Similiar handwriting and fingerprint every person has a special characteristic .
Although there are two people who have the same handwriting , it will look different .
Handwriting is formed from a small stimulation of the brain that often times the experts call grafologis handwriting is "brain writing" .
Graphology is an exact science , because science is evidenced by the phenomenon in one population and there is a quantification of the results or any results of statistical tests that can be accounted for .
Graphology has been around since 6000 years ago, in the ancient Chinese .
Then move to the Greeks and Romans, and Emperor Nero uses it to determine who can be believed .
The first book that discusses the handwriting is written in Italian , named Camilo Baldi in 1622 .
However, more details revealed by Jean Michon .
Someone who came from France in the 19th century .
The world is derived from Greek namely
1. Graph that means writing
2. Ologi which means science
In many European Universities , graphology is part of the curriculum for majors graphology .
Now this judge's handwriting is very helpful in the field today .
Examples :
1. We can find talent and person's interest
2. Perpetrators of school violence
3. Used to counseling or BK
Graphology is also in the field of crime, forensics, and counseling .
Graphology experts can also be used to diagnose mental illness , and can be used to get a picture of mental health and suspects .
Are you interested in studying graphology ?
See ya :)