This morning...
I want to tell about some of the weapons that exist in Luna . And if there are puzzled why in the picture have only sticks or wands ?
Because I take jobs in Luna most always mage . hehehe .
3 of 5 char I have in Luna is : Priest , Monk , Sorc . And 2 from other char is : Thief and Guard .
There is a char that I got, also from the job of mage . Now're making changes to 4 job .
Why must mage ?
Because I like something about magic . Something that smells of magic healer (later..I like to watch Dr.Rin and Ragnarok movies) hehehe .

If anyone asks why should magic, because magic attacks carried out over long shoot .
Despite extravagant MP, but I like to be mage .
Especially to be a Full Support Priest .
Okay... Now, check it..
This is my post . Thank for coming to my blog... See ya in my next post ;)