Networking site Facebook is a hugely popular virtual world.
Have more less 325.000.000 fans in the world.
Wow... thats very much fans.
Then if you already know what will be discussed?
Today with the state that can makes me fall asleep because of the cold and overcast I will discuss 10 key hidden on Facebook. Now, I'll discuss in my blog.
Below are the secret buttons Facebook.
Try this :
- shift + alt + 1 = home
- shift + alt + 2 = profile
- shift + alt + 3 = request friendship
- shift + alt + 4 = message
- shift + alt + 5 = notice
- shift + alt + 6 = edit account
- shift + alt + 7 = privacy settings
- shift + alt + 8 = fan facebook
- shift + alt + 9 = statement of rights and responsibilities
- shift + alt + 0 = central assistance