Evening everyone!
How are you today? I'm still here to give you game review if you bored with your work or your study.
Well, today I wanna share about solving stories like a detective.
Wanna try?

Actually, this game called "My Cafe Recipes & Stories". What about detective play? Yes, wait until me done to tell you about this game player.
My Cafe is an addictive restaurant story game where you play for "Ann" and open a classy cafe to serve her guest delicious drinks, baked goods, and solved stories. You'll be Boss at your Cafe in here. Who try to help your guest. Not just serve drink, cupcake, or food. You should help everyone in your cafe with their own story. Detective wannabe! 

This one is You. You are the boss in your cafe, but your guest has a problem. You should help them to solve the problem, caught the robber, and hack your city system. You see many people icon in the picture right? You should talk to them, solve a problem and you can make two people date in your cafe too. Hm, don't worry. You're not bad people. You just give them advice or try to make something... worse, haha.
How about a new player who wanna play? I give you secret tips to play and what you need to know,
  • Don't waste your money to buy furniture. This one really helpful player. If you know, many things you should buy from your quest and not cheap!
  • Try to fulfill your guest request. Give them what they want until you can get Gift from them.
  • Save your ingredient. This one REALLY you should do! Don't waste!
  • Play quiz with Margareth or Bill (forget this one name). You'll get 500 coins if you win
  • Look at the time. Yes! You should careful about this event. Try to see your time and you can get more money
  • Careful read stories. Don't just next and not to read. Haha... This one is not installation procedure. If you can solve the problem, you'll get an ingredient, diamond and much more.
  • Internet connection. I think your problem is connection if you still get "can't login to your cafe"
  • Can't get a hint. If you're a player who always wanna try, it's good. If you too lazy to try, try this site who can help My Cafe
That's how you play this game as a new player. I think this game is really cool. You'll get money, have a cafe and solve other problem. Still curious about this game? Let me give you overview about this game.

Android version: Click
iOS version: Click